Tactical Medical Gear
Tactical Medical Gear
Tactical medical products and medical kits created for law enforcement and first responders. Browse medical kits that include tourniquets, medical shears, gauze, medical gloves, and more.
What should a tactical medical kit include?
Every first responder should carry a trauma kit and emergency medical gear. A tactical medical gear kit for law enforcement, private security, and first responders in tactical situations must include trauma supplies. This includes:
Hemostatic dressings of various sizes/purposes
A large assortment of regular dressing ranging from 4x4s and 5x9s to ABD
Combination of bandage wraps, 4” and 6”, "H" wrap, NAR S-Rolled Gauze, Ace wraps, etc.
Heavy-duty 1" and 2" tape, such as North American Rescue’s non-breathable Gecko Grip Multi-Purpose Tape
Open chest injury seals; multiple sizes preferred
Tourniquets such as C-A-T, SWAT-T, SOFT-T or others
It should also include airway breathing management tools, including chest decompressions supplies, and more invasive airway control devices, like endotracheal intubation or supraglottic airways.